Sunday, October 13, 2013

Assignment 2B - Field Experience

To begin, the group that I used was high school student’s grades 9-12 that I was able to gather during a class that I was subbing. The students were more than willing to help (probably because they thought they were going to get extra credit or something). The group consisted of eight students (5 boys, 3 girls).

The pre-assessment that I chose to give was a short 10 question quiz about the game of volleyball followed by a short discussion; this quiz would be one that was given on the first day of a new unit. I started by explaining to the students what they would be doing and why they were taking the quiz. They all listened and none of them had any questions. I passed out the quiz to the student and told them that they were to work individually on it because it was to gauge where the knowledge of volleyball was among them. The quiz consisted of questions like "what is a bump?" and "how many times can the volleyball be hit on each side?" etc., nothing too difficult. Once the students were done with the quiz we talked about if any of them had played volleyball before and I asked them questions similar to the quiz. I did this so that I could get a feel for where the student understood the game of volleyball, because sometimes a written test doesn't always show everything. Once we were done with the discussion I dismissed the students and thanked them for their participation.

What I found was that the students understood more than what the written quiz showed. During the discussion portion of the pre-assessment I got a better grasp on what the students understood because they explained more into detail. On the written test students where very short with their answers and some didn't know certain volleyball terminology, where during the discussion they did based on what other students said or demonstrated.

What I concluded from this is that some students do not always do well on written tests but might still know the information. When looking at what I could change I actually wouldn't change anything because the two ways I gave the test should be able to cover almost all the students and their different learning techniques. One thing that I would do in a class of 40 students though would be to give the written quiz and then instead of talking to the whole class during the discussion, I would pull aside smaller groups of students to have a discussion about volleyball and see what they know.

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